Parish of Upper Tweeddale
3 congregations working as one
The Guild

For the purposes of the guild Upper Tweeddale combines with the rest of the West Tweeddale Parishes so the guild is made up of members from across the parishes.

The meetings are usually held on the third Wednesday of the month at 2.30 pm in Broughton Village Hall or in one of the other churches from September through to March. This year's 2023 syllabus is to be published but this is an example programme from a previous year:
Wednesday 19th September
One journey, many roads
Rev Tony Foley
Wednesday 17th October
Joining the dots
Pete Cuthbertson
Wednesday 21st November
Seeking the Way
Rev Ann Purdie
Wednesday 19th December
Carols and Mince Pies
Wednesday 16th January
Seeking the Way
Dr Yvonne Foley
Wednesday 20th February
Seeking the way… in Lebanon
Rev Pamela Strachan
Friday 1st March
World Day of Prayer
Wednesday 20th March
AGM and Afternoon Tea

We have been very lucky over the last few years to have some very interesting and entertaining speakers such as Angela Davidson from TCAT (Transforming Care After Treatment) which is a group funded by MacMillan Cancer Support and the Health Board to assist people after their illnesses.

Skirling Christmas Party
In December we gather in Skirling to join forces with Skirling village for a most enjoyable Christmas Party.

Leadership Team
Team Leader: Dr. Fiona Burnett
Glenholm Cottage
01899 830408
Treasurer: Mr. Peter Worthington
Secretary: Mrs. Kate Jeffries
The Team:
Mrs Margaret Habeshaw
Mrs Marion Hewitson
Mrs Di Worthington
Many Guilds are regrettably closing down due to a lack of members but luckily we are bucking the trend and have some new members this year, perhaps due to the marvellous speakers we have had in the past – no pressure!

We invite anyone interested to attend and you will be extended a warm welcome. One does not need to come to every meeting but if you see something of interest on a certain date do come and join us.

Coming Soon...
Prayers for Broughton Church
Thursday  19 September 2024